What are your favorite Cortazu items?
Definitely my Hard Shell Jacket. The jacket protects me on my bike from wind, rain and cold. When I'm cycling high in the Andes or in the heavy rain of the jungle it's nice to be protected and enjoy nature with a smile!
Koen uses the All Season Hard Shell. Similar to our newest edition to the family, the All Weather Hard Shell.
Koen's Favorites
What attracts you to traveling by bike?
The Biking Birder is an outcome of my passion for birds, cycling and traveling. Traveling by bike is the greenest way of traveling and it gives you the ultimate form of freedom. Every day is an adventure.
The unexpected is waiting around every corner. Traveling on my own pace gives me the oppurtunity to absurb all the nature and beautiful birds! You meet local people and have nice conversations with them.
You have to explain us. Why did you decide to go by bicycle?
I have always been focussed on making the right choice for the planet, but before Corona I never considered traveling by bike. 2 years ago I wanted to travel by backpack, but Corona forced me to cancel my trip. Luckily, because of this cancelation, I discovered my love for biking. A good friend and I bought tourbikes and we cycled a lot in Europe. I soon discovered that biking is the greenest way of traveling and it allows me to enjoy nature!
And why birds? Birding is my pasion because every bird has his own super power. An example being swifts doing everything in the sky. They sleep, eat and having sex high above us. Some terns flying 30.000km's every year. And falcons can see ultraviolet so they can see the trail of mouse droppings from the air. Every bird is amazing and I am going to see a lot of them. I am cycling form the Maccaws and toucans in Central America to the King Penguin in Patagonia.
What's your goal with this trip?
As biking birder my goal is to protect nature and her biodiversity. That's important because one million plant and animal species face the threat of extinction. During the 20.000 km journey I'm raising funds for IUCN NL landaquisitionfund. My fundraising goal is 50.000 euro. The land acquisition purchasing land in strategic places, local organizations can protect, connect and restore the habitats of endangered species. During my trip I will witness first hand how these funds will be implemented. I will visit 15 projects and report out my adventures and observations.